I am a senior applied scientist at Cruise Automation developing advanced perception technologies for autonomous cars. Before that, I was a senior perception engineer at Aptiv R&D-ing tracking and fusion systems for self-driving cars.
I also spend one year as a postdoctoral fellow at the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, where I worked with Prof. Simon Lucey on 3D vision and visual object tracking.
I finished my Ph.D. under supervision of Prof. Terence Sim at the School of Computing, National University of Singapore. During my Ph.D., I worked on different computer vision problems, including face analysis, visual object tracking and action recognition.
I also spend one year as a postdoctoral fellow at the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, where I worked with Prof. Simon Lucey on 3D vision and visual object tracking.
I finished my Ph.D. under supervision of Prof. Terence Sim at the School of Computing, National University of Singapore. During my Ph.D., I worked on different computer vision problems, including face analysis, visual object tracking and action recognition.
Work Experience
Education & Research
- March 2020: Joined Cruise Automation as a senior applied scientist.
- Aug. 2018: Joined Aptiv as a Senior Perception Engineer
- Feb. 2018: Our paper "Deep LK for efficient adaptive object tracking" is accepted in ICRA 2018, a joint work with Chaoyang Wang, Chen-Hsuan Lin, and Simon Lucey. Check Publication page for more details.
- November 2017: a short demo of Turbo BACF (tracks 300 fps) is added to the BACF project page.
- July 2017: Got three papers accepted in ICCV'17. Publication page is updated.
- May 2017: My second book chapter on Crowd Behavior analysis, just published:
https://www.elsevier.com/books/group-and-crowd-behavior-for-computer-vision/murino/978-0-12-809276-7 - March 2017: Joined Autel Robotics as a Senior Research Scientist
- March 2017: Looking for the state of the art correlation filter based tracker? check out Learning Background-Aware Correlation Filters for Visual Tracking. Code and benchmark is available here.
- March 2017: "Need for Speed: A Benchmark for Higher Frame Rate Object Tracking", Dataset, benchmark and all results are available here.
- Sep 2016: Got a paper accepted to 3DVision 2016: Structure from Category, with Chen Kong, Rui Zhu and Prof. Simon Lucey.
- June 2016: MATLAB code for Correlation Filter Cascade for Facial Landmark Localization (WACV'16) is uploaded!
- May 2016: Got a paper accepted to ICIP 2016: Person Re-Identification using Spars Representation with Manifold Constraints.
- May 2016: Attended to the Mid-Atlantic Computer Vision (MACV) Workshop 2016, at Johns Hopkins University.
- March 2016: Moved to CMU for my new position (update soon!)
- Jan. 2016: Got two papers accepted in WACV'16: Correlation Filter Cascade for Facial Landmark Localization, with Prof. Terence Sim (NUS), and Person Re-identification Using Multiple First-Person-Views on Wearable Devices, with Anirban Chakraborty from NTU.
- Sep. 2015: Book chapter published in Springer book on Toward Robotic Socially Believable Behaving Systems: Detecting Abnormal Behavioral Patterns in Crowd Scenarios, 2015.
- July 2015: MATLAB code for tracking by Correlation Filters with Limited Boundaries (CVPR'15) is uploaded.
- June 2015: Attended to CVPR'15!
- June 2015: Paper accepted to the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal based Surveillance (AVSS) 2015: Violence Detection in Crowded Scenes using Substantial Derivative, with Vittorio Murino, Alessandro Perina and Sadegh Mohammadi.
- May 2015: Paper accepted to ICIAP 2015: Abnormality detection with improved histogram of oriented tracklets, with Prof. Vittorio Murino, Dr. Alessandro Perina, Dr. Moin Nabi and Hossein Mousavi.
- Bravo NUS! World's top 10 for 11 subjects.
- April 2015: Paper accepted to ICIP 2015: Crowd motion monitoring using tracklet-based commotion measure, with Prof. Vittorio Murino, Dr. Alessandro Perina, Dr. Moin Nabi and Hossein Mousavi.
- April 2015: Oral paper accepted to GROW CVPRW 2015: A comparison of crowd commotion measures from generative models, with Prof. Vittorio Murino, Dr. Alessandro Perina and Sadegh Mohammadi.
- March 2015: Paper accepted to CVPR 2015: Correlation filters with limited boundaries, with Prof. Terence Sim and Prof. Simon Lucey.
- Oct. 2014: Attended to 5th PAVIS school. Thanks to Antonio Torralba for his great talk on scene understanding and object recognition in context.
- Sep. 2014: Joined PAVIS.
- Aug. 2014: PhD is done.
- May 2014: Paper accepted to ICIP 2014: Multi channel correlation filters for human action recognition, with Prof. Terence Sim and Prof. Simon Lucey.
- Sep. 2013: Paper accepted to ICCV 2013: multi channel correlation filters, with Prof. Terence Sim and Prof. Simon Lucey.